Dementia Expertise, Education & ADVISING
Meet the Company Founder • Ellen Belk, BC-DEd, CDP

“By the year 2030, the entire Boomer generation will be over age 65. Every corner of our society will be impacted by aging Boomers and their unique needs. What is YOUR 'silver living' strategy?" - Ellen Belk
Thought Leader • Strategic Adviser• Change Agent
Ellen Belk is a board certified Dementia educator, with nearly 25 years of high-level leadership in long term living settings throughout the United States. Additionally, as a family caregiver for both parents with cognitive decline and her online presence as a web-educator reaching a global audience, Ellen has a comprehensive scope of the Dementia care and aging landscape unlike most others.
As a Strategic Advisor for product developers, businesses or any organizaation marketing to older adults, Ellen's industry insight is an asset. As a specialist in Universal Design, Ellen offers consultative guidance for those striving to successfully age-in-place.
From the aged-care industry to the open market; Ellen sees opportunity for improving the collective Dementia IQ in a variety of industries and business settings.
Dementia is a global public health concern. Individuals, organizations, businesses and all segements of society wll be impacted in one way or another as the population ages. Keep In Mind is on a mission to elevate the global Dementia IQ.
What is YOUR strategy? Consider Ellen Belk and Keep In Mind, Inc. an ally! With over two decades of high-level success within the eldercare economy, we can guide and strategically advise to ensure you remain prosperous.
Here to Serve
Effectively advising from the C-suite to the frontlines. Clients include:
- Any service provider with aging clients impacted by Dementia
- Architects & Developers building aged-care living environments
- Professional care companies seeking Dementia training
- Family caregivers
- HR Directors wanting to add caregiver support to employee benefits
- Conference & Event Planners
- Anyone or any business seeking our expertise

An ally to anyone currently serving older adults or those hoping to elevate their knowledge & remain competitive in a rapidly aging society
- Strategic Advising
- Online education
- Fractional Executive leadership
- Holistic Dementia care solutions
- Universal Design consultations
- Concierge-style support for aging citizens in North & South Carolina
- Subject matter expertise
- Content writing
Clients & Collaborative Partners

“There are people who think inside a box, others who think outside the box and then there is Ellen who chooses to not acknowledge there ever was a box. Forward thinking, creative and enthusiastic. She works tirelessly to help others see the person behind the Dementia. I highly recommend Ellen for what she can bring to your company.”
James Santana, Senior VP Operations at CareFinders Total Care
“I had the privilege to serve under Ellen’s leadership at both Milestone Senior Living and Elegance Living. Ellen taught me how to think outside the box and really elevate programs designed for our residents living with Dementia. Always inspiring, Ellen has helped so many of us activity professionals into the 21st century! An amazing mentor and an awesome human. I am forever grateful for her leadership.”
Johanna Schiffer, CDP – Senior Director of Memory Support at Elegance Living
Committed to the Carolinas
With deep ties to the region, company Co-Founder Dan Belk’s ancestors in the Carolinas can be traced back to the early 1700s. The name Belk is a recognizable family name in the Central Piedmont region.
Dan’s great great Grandparents had sixteen children. And the funny family quote at the time came from his great great Grandmother when she proclaimed to a news reporter that their family “had no Preachers, Teachers Doctors or Lawyers, they are all sticking to the soil for a livelihood.”
The vintage images below are from the Belk farm built by Dan’s great Grandfather. At the time, the farm was home to the second-largest Jersey cow herd in the state of North Carolina.
Although farming isn’t the modern-day family profession anymore, Dan & Ellen remain citizens of the region and small business owners. They are actively engaged in a variety of ways through their faith community, volunteerism, and support of local causes and businesses.

A Resource in the Region!
Keep In Mind, Inc. is headquartered in Indian Land, SC.
Our goal is to consult and collaborate with as many North and South Carolina service providers as possible in the aging sector. If you would benefit from Dementia training, need a guest speaker or a Board member with our expertise – We want to hear from you!
We look forward to serving our fellow Carolinians.

Are You Ready to Deliver Championship Level Outcomes for Those You Serve?

Through servant leadership and collaborative partnerships combined with subject matter expertise; continue to raise awareness of aging-related issues and advocate for change within the marketplace.
Embrace Change
Empower People
Give Voice
Do Good
Offer Strategic Solutions
Follow Us On Social Media or call us at 803.396.3824