Making Food Modifications for Dementia Success

Some of our fondest memories in life involve sharing a meal with friends and family. Food brings people together, nourishing both body and soul. Think of all the celebrations, holidays, and reasons why you gather around a table to share a meal with those you love. Laughter, stories, reminiscing and long conversations seem to flow

Dementia Communication – A LOVE Language

Communication is the sharing of thoughts, information, and feelings. Without shared thoughts, information or feelings there is NO communication. When there is no communication, there is no relationship. If you are a professional caregiver or a valued family member providing care support to someone with Alzheimer’s or another Dementia, you know all too well how

The Financial & Personal Costs of Dementia Care

Providing Dementia care is challenging. According to the National Alzheimer’s Association 2020 Facts & Figures report,83% of the help provided to older adults in the United States comes from family members, friends, or other unpaid caregivers. Nearly half of all those unpaid folks are caring for someone with Dementia. That’s 16 million Americans providing Dementia

Adaptive Food Options For Those With Dementia

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As a holistic Dementia Care solutions Expert, I believe in infusing non-pharma interventions into our care efforts for those we’re serving.

The four pillars that guide my philosophy are: Environment, Communication, Nutrition, and Engagement.

It’s my belief, that by paying close attention to these four areas as a first line of defense, we’ll have higher impact outcomes for those in our care.

Throughout my 20 years in professional Dementia operations, I’ve got hundreds of examples wherein I was called in to diffuse a Dementia caregiving situation that was going sideways.  Often, by examining (and tweaking) either one or more of those four pillars, we eliminated the ‘trigger’ that was causing the issue.

An over-stimulating care environment that is too warm or cold with loud/noisy distractions (often overlapping) combined with improper communication techniques and topped off with food that isn’t ‘Dementia friendly’ is a recipe for disaster. These disruptions (when not addressed) can negatively impact any/all interactions between the caregiver and the care receiver.

In this clip, I’m sharing with the professional Senior Living leaders, how we can support those in our care through Adaptive Food Options for mealtime success!

**SPOILER ALERT** I give a direct ‘tip’ to your SALES TEAM MEMBERS!

Owners, Operators, and Managers in the Senior Living space – it’s this level of ‘attention to detail’ that is required by your teams, to achieve Championship Level Dementia care success!

Holistic Suggestions for Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregivers

Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of Dementia accounting for 60-80% of all cases. One out of three senior citizens die with either Alzheimer’s disease or another form of Dementia. This accounts for more Dementia-related deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer combined. No new Alzheimer’s drug has been approved since 2003! In fact, a

Giving Thanks for Family Caregivers

Did you know that nearly 44 million Americans provide 37 billion hours of unpaid (informal) care each year for adult family members, friends or neighbors with chronic illnesses or conditions? According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, female family caregivers provide over 75% of caregiving support in the United States. The duties of family caregiving can

Say “NO” to the Status Quo!

Delivering Bigger/Bolder Options to Enhance the Resident Experience in Senior Living

Senior Living Owners & Operators, if we’ve learned anything during the quarantine of 2020; it’s that there is a ton of opportunity to reimagine how we measure success in the Resident Experience Department.

Gone are the days where we consider large groups of folks sitting in a circle batting a balloon around to be the highlight of the day.

If you consider BINGO your best & brightest option; you may need to reconsider that strategy.

The Consumers who’ve weathered COVID alongside us, have been acutely dialed- in to how Senior Living communities have responded to the challenges we’ve been presented.  Their expectations will remain high as we move forward.

Owners/Operators, as you prepare for 2021; I certainly hope you factored in additional dollars and employee hours to strengthen your Resident Experience Department. The ‘any –warm- body- will- do’ philosophy is NOT the accepted job description for the Director of that department anymore!

Part of the ‘secret sauce’ to ensure a robust Resident Experience in your community depends on a TEAM approach.  Click the video; to hear me share examples of how all members of the community team can play a role in delivering Championship Level outcomes!

Silver Living Strategies include Fruits and Veggies

 Are you providing care to a Silver citizen? Are You a seasoned citizen over the age of 60? The nutritional benefits of whole fruits combined with colorful fresh vegetables have an immediate impact on overall health and well- being in aging bodies. Whether you’re creating meals for yourself or a loved one in your care; remember

Dementia – Ready for Reality TV?

Dementia – Ready for Reality TV? With the explosion of Reality TV, what used to be considered mundane, private or off-limits is now broadcast in Technicolor for the world to see. Millions watch survivors forage in the wild or follow pregnant teenage drama. Audiences scrutinize rogue Amish youth, excessive hoarders, extreme coupon clippers and folks battling addictions. Who could’ve imagined these previously